This lecture is part of the course "Techniques for Self-Driving Cars" with Prof. Dr. Cyrill Stachniss of the University of Bonn. The students interested in self-driving tech have an opportunity to learn about the core self-driving stack of technology and implement a part of this stack on their own. My lecture is the final lecture of the course that gives an outlook towards the differences between the focus in academia and industry. It outlines typical problems that rarely get enough attention in academia with the aim to plant a seed into the heads of students that there is a difference between publishing scientific papers and making things work in real life. In this lecture, I touch upon the topics of perception, localization, and safety of autonomous driving systems outlining the challenges that are standard in the industry but neglected in academia.
Self-Driving Cars - Bridging the Gap between Academic Research and Industrial Use
Igor Bogoslavskyi
Updated: Nov 17, 2020