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First Autoware Meetup in the Bay Area

Updated: May 14, 2019

Approximately 40 guests joined us at the AutonomouStuff office in San Jose for an evening of food, drinks, networking, an Autoware technical update about changes which have taken place in the past 9 months, as well as an update from AutonomouStuff about their recent product developments.

The agenda included updates about new Autoware features such as range & vision fusion, Beyond Pixels tracking, new LiDAR drivers, LGSVL Simulator integration, PointPillar object classification and more.

In case you missed it, these are the slides presented by Dejan when giving the Autoware update at the meetup.

In the questions & answers portion of the Autoware update, people were extremely interested in the production version of Autoware.Auto and artifacts for certification. After the content-rich presentation, we also had a great discussion which included audience questions such as these:

  • What do you get as a Premium member vs Industrial member?

  • Is the Autoware product free?

  • What about DDS support?

  • Is DDS used by Autoware certified?

  • What/how many hardware platforms (ECUs) does Autoware support?

  • Does Autoware.Auto use Adaptive Autosar?

  • How do you know that the artifacts generated while developing Autoware.Auto will meet ISO 26262?

  • Do you have to get certified on all of the supported HW platforms?

  • We heard that individuals (companies) got certified but not the software itself. Is this true?

  • When saying you support Renessas or Nvidia, do you use mostly CPU and will e.g. PointPillars be slow?

  • For Path Planning and complex environments, who in Autoware will handle this?

  • Is there a timeline when Autoware.AI ends and all takes place in Autoware.Auto only?

  • Is there Continuous Integration testing against a fixed list of scenarios?

We enjoyed seeing the great turnout and the lively Q&A discussion. Many thanks to the hosts and to the attendees who made the event worth-while.

The next Autoware event will be a Workshop at the IV2019 Conference in Paris on June 9, 2019.

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